Thursday, October 22, 2009

Holidays are coming!

I am writing this  on all my blogs in order to reach a large audience.

As some of you may know, we are a homeschooling family of 3 kids. I was thinking that it would be a fun geography lesson for at least the 2 oldest ones if we could organize a holiday card and/or ornament exchange with people from around the world - or at least the ones that respond to my plea. :)

I figured what we'd do is, each day that we got a card and/or ornament from a new person, we'd research that area that day. It'd be a great way to "meet" some of my facebook/blogging buddies, as well as to introduce my kids to different areas of the country and world without TOO much hassle.

In return, we'd be happy to return a card and/or ornament to you as well!

If this is something you'd be able to do, please contact me via email (dawniemom at so we can work out details, addresses, etc. The more, the merrier!

Dawn :)