Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Food Fun


1. What time do you wake up on a normal work/school day?

Typically, I’m up around 6:30am

2. Do you eat breakfast?


3. Do you like traditional breakfast foods? Which ones?

Yes, love bacon, ham, eggs, toast – whatever.

4. Do you prefer lunch/supper foods for breakfast? Which ones?

I will eat anything that’s easy and doesn’t make a lot of noise to make, since I’m up early. If I’ve made something for dinner the night before and there’s some leftover, I might eat that.

5. Do you ever eat breakfast for supper?

Pretty much never.

6. What are your favorite breakfast foods?
Poached eggs, ham, toast – or a bacon, tomato & cheese omelets. Yummmmmy.  Oh, and crispy homefries with all of it!

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